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 P H O T O G R A P H Y

Tatort Architektur | 2016- | Films

Tatort Architektur | Würzburg | Germany | 2016-
Type: Potluck event
Client: Pro bono
Size: 33 m2 nano-kino
Location: FIN-GER at Bürgerbräu, Würzburg, Germany
Status: Concept, making of and cleaning afterwards
Design: Juhani Karanka & Matthias Braun & guests

Tatort Architektur! follows the long German tradition of watching a TV crime series in good company. Instead of crime, we watch architecture films with snacks & drinks at the FIN-GER. Commenting is allowed before, during and after the film. Cool! 

Nuns on bikes | 2015 | Competition

Nuns on bikes
Type: Open public photography competition
Client: AIV-Würzburg
Size: 800 x 450 px (online version)
Location: Würzburg, Germany
Status: Competition 2015, honorary mention 2015
Photographer: Juhani Karanka

Prize winning entry to an open public photography competition "Meine Stadt" arranged in Würzburg. This snapshot was taken with an iPhone 4S in a classic street photography style. The nun just appeared from nowhere and raced down the street with full-throttle only to disappear into thin air. Amongst other issues, the theme of urban mobility was in focus in this lucky shot. 

Three old fellows and a cat | 2013 | Competition

Three old fellows and a cat
Type: Photography competition
Client: Sito Consulting Company
Size: 800 x 450 px (online version)
Location: Ericeira, Portugal
Status: Competition 2013, special prize 2013
Photographer: Juhani Karanka

Sunset over the Atlantic. Moments like these are worth cherishing: These fellows turned up every evening at the same time and the same place to chat by the sea. Always with the black cat next to the old man in the wheelchair. Leica. Snap. Later this snapshot received a prize in a photography competition in Finland.


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